Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just when I was getting comfortable...

...I have to leave:( I am flying to Portland for Casey's wedding tomorrow! The only reason I am regretful about the trip is because I will need to get acclimated again when I return. Oh well, it's worth it--Casey's getting married!

It's amazing how much can happen in the course of one or two days around here. Everything is new and good--I wish every day of my life were like this! Yesterday I went for my first run in Aspen in the AM. It was fine, I just felt a bit winded. The 8AM weather was perfect for running-crisp, warm, and sunny. Later on yesterday I was bored, so I went for a bike ride! I really enjoy my bike-it's more of a road bike than I have ever had before. I moves really well with me, as long as I keep my balance:) I explored the rio grande trail so I could know my surroundings a bit more, got lost at least 5 times, saw some amazing millionaires' houses, saw a few river surfers , and somehow ended up downtown, where I lost the trail and made my way back home. It was a great ride, and I hope to have many more. I'll take my camera next time.

This morning some RA buddies and I went for a quick hike up the Ute Trail. It was tough! It was like the steep part from normal hikes, but it lasted for the entire hike. The hardest part was that I couldn't get enough oxygen, so my heart was beating really fast and I couldn't catch my breath. But other than that, it was great! The view from the top was beautiful. I think people get to the point where they can ascend the trail in about 30 minutes, and get back down in even less. It's a great morning "jaunt" that I will be doing more often.

I visited a Rec Center today with some other RAs. It's only a mile from my dorm and it has a pool, a lazy river, a hot tub, a climbing wall, an ice rink, free weights, and a cardio room. I thought it sounded like a fun idea because I could take advantage of the pool and the climbing wall. Unfortunately, the membership fee is pretty steep, so unless the RAs can register as a family, I don't think I'll be joining. I know, I have enough activities to keep me busy anyway;)

Tomorrow I will meet Erin and Jack & Jeri in Arvada before I head to the airport. Maine, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. It Sounds like youre at a fitness summer camp! You must be in heaven.
