Thursday, June 3, 2010

Barbeque and a novel idea

I had my first (ever?) tofurkey sausage today at Sean's inaugural gathering on his new porch. It was pretty tasty! No run today, but we are planning out run for tomorrow-a long one I think. Our idea was to bring my camera on my runs so I could post pictures from my various travels. As soon as I devise a clever camera carrier, the posting will commence.

Continuing my work on the IWBC (International Womens Brass Conference) competition material. I have a recital with the other IU ladies on Thursday 6/10 at 6PM in MA454. We are all playing our competition rep. Come listen if you live nearby! Also getting ready for a Fort Wayne sub list audition on Tuesday 6/8.

Today I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on microwaveables for Aspen. It was so much fun! I did it because A) I love shopping at Trader Joe's and B) I've heard from multiple sources that the grocery stores and eateries in Aspen are mucho-expensivo. Even though I have a meal plan, I'm bringing my own pantry to break things up.

Long run tomorrow!


  1. oh Sarah, Sarah, Sarah... how I miss thee. I enjoy your blog especially as I have started to run more and to enjoy it..... keep me posted!!

  2. The meals in the meal halls are (can be) pretty good most of the least they were eight years ago (it's hard to believe it's been that long!): there was always a vegetarian option and a low-fat route. I lost 27 lbs. there my second summer!
